March 29

Day 15: 3rd "Scattered Sunday"

As I read my own stuff, I see I'm going back and forth like a ping pong ball. One day optimistic; the next day not so much. Must be confusing for you to read.

In just the last day or so I've become acutely aware of people's suffering; people I know and love. Some of it (non-virus related) physical suffering; some (virus-related) deep fear. For most everyone, the reality of physical isolation from friends and extended family has now set in.

I went to bed last night begging the Lord to intervene. I begged Him to comfort, to encourage, to heal, to preserve and protect all of us. (I fell asleep prayerfully exhausted.)

Deb and I watched the last five minutes of yesterday's network news; you know, the bit where they want to end the broadcast on a "happy note." A professional photographer in some eastern city going door-to-door taking free family portraits. Seemed sweet and altruistic enough. But I was struck by two things:

Households assembled on their front steps or porch and smiled nicely for the camera. But then, they each went back inside their homes, shut the door, maybe put those smiles back in storage, and returned to the enforced isolation from community. We were not created to live like this!

Second, the "feel good feels" lasted only for a short bit. The vibe didn't last beyond the few minutes it took to watch the story. At least for me.

Our culture, our society, churched people and not churched people alike are now looking for encouragement. Something solid. Something lasting. Something timelessly true. None of us are exempt from this. And another scattered Sunday seems to force the point, doesn't it?

I want and need to say this: I really miss being with all of you! I'm looking forward to when we can all assemble together again on the "other side of the Jordan."

Second, what is timeless and true for us today? Let me offer you this...

Psalm 40:6 "In sacrifice and offering you have not delighted, but you have given me an open ear. Burnt offering and sin offering you have not required."

This sort of describes church life. Maybe some of us are now seeing how we've just "gone through the motions of church" at times in the past, while others have blown it off more often than not.

But here it says God has not required the routines of religion. Instead...He has "given us an open ear."

Meaning, He has opened our spiritual ears, in order to (you'll love this amazing insight on my part) to HEAR Him. Why this?

Verse 7 says, "Then I said, 'Behold, I have come; in the scroll of the book it is written of me...'" While it's amazing to think how your name is in the book, don't read verse 7 in isolation (sorry) from verse 8...

"I delight to do your will, O my God; your law is within my heart."

What is written about believers in "God's Book?"

For those of us who know it, our God has given us open that we will DELIGHT to do His will.

What is God's will? That we will know Him and enjoy (DELIGHT in) Him forever. All the time, even today.

Want to be encouraged? (Yeah, I saw your hands!) Look for delight in the Lord this morning. Maybe take a moment to read Psalm 40, and treat it like your own little Sunday worship service.

And, utilize the primary intention of your phone, and call someone. Check in, and counteract the relational isolation. Maybe pray with them. Encourage their delight in the Lord, and you'll likely be rewarded with your own growing delight in Who Jesus is and what He has done for us - the people with open ears!

-Mike Rydman, Lead Pastor, Radiant Church | Juneau

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