April 23

Day 40: Priorities and Details

Feel anything like Noah? Raining outside? 40 days and 40 nights all cooped up in an increasingly tight space?

I'm reading in 1 Kings and 2 Chronicles about Solomon building the temple. Lots of details. Sometimes too many details to hold my attention.

This morning I resorted to pulling out a big fat theology book. I needed to see again why the temple's details were so important.

The one temple symbolized one God (not many.) The singular location symbolized God's concern that His people worship Him on His terms (not any old place or in any way they chose.) And the many details pointed to God's sovereignty over Creation, and His special headship over Israel (relationship, not concept.)

God gave Noah detailed instructions for building a boat. God gave Solomon detailed instructions for building a building. Details, based on God's big picture priority.

Choosing some to be saved. In Noah's case, his family. In Solomon's case, a people group.

God's priorities became their priorities. God's details became their own.

Intended or not, we're each establishing new agendas, new rhythms, new priorities. Being hunkered down will do that. We're all building something of a new, different life. We may not all be getting it right.

Many years ago, the pastor I grew up under left that church for another church in another state. He spent so much time overseeing the construction of his mountain dream house that he lost his position at the church.

We're all doing what we want to do. We're all emphasizing what we want to emphasize. We're all adding the details to our big picture priorities.

God planned out every detail of Jesus's life. Everything Jesus was and did pointed to God's big picture priority. God sent Jesus to take our judgment on Himself, and die in our place. And by faith in God's grace, we can be saved.

What will come out of your hunker down time? What new priorities are overtaking the old? What details are being emphasized or ignored?

What of God's priorities will have become your own?

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