April 25

Day 42: Permanent

There's a curious little bit inserted into the story of the temple construction finally completed, and the important stuff finally brought inside. Nothing more important than the Ark of the Covenant.

2 Chronicles 5:10 says, "There was nothing in the ark except the two tablets that Moses put there at Horeb, where the LORD made a covenant with the people of Israel, when they came out of Egypt."

Okay. Wait a second. I seem to remember some other things inside the ark. There was a bowl of manna. And there was Aaron's staff that had budded overnight, producing almonds. What happened to those two things?

And, how did the writer know the contents of the ark in the first place?

You saw the first Indiana Jones movie like I did. You know what happens if you look inside the ark. Your face melts off. Then you explode. (And Nazi's run away.)

Leaves me with another question. What happened to the other stuff?

The manna was a sign of God's provision. That provision was given each day. Enough for each day. Enough grace for that one day. Couldn't be hoarded. Temporary.

Aaron's budding staff was a sign of his priesthood representing access to God. God's grace for years and years. Important then, but temporary. We have that access now, but Jesus didn't come from the line of Aaron.

But the ark still held the two stone tablets that had the Ten Commandments. God's covenant with His people prevailed, continued. Not temporary. Permanent.

In chapters 6 and 7 of 2 Chronicles, we read about Solomon leading the people in worship and thanksgiving as they dedicated the temple.

The overriding theme? "Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good, for his steadfast love endures forever."

Our God is always faithful to His covenant promises. Even when His people are not. Even now when living through a pandemic would try to convince us otherwise.

Psalm 136 carries this theme of God's steadfast love. At the end of each of the 26 verses, it says the same thing: "For His steadfast love endures forever."

That Psalm was written so the reader would 1) Get the point, and 2) Meditate (internalize) on God's faithful love.

We don't know where the ark with the Ten Commandments is today (a warehouse in New Jersey?)

But this we do know...

The grace of God continues today, and forever. Enough for today. There will be more grace available tomorrow.

The priesthood of King Jesus continues today, and forever. Through Him we have unending access to God.

And God is as faithful to His promises today, and forever, as He's ever been. He is a good Father who gives good gifts. His love for you and me continues without interruption.


-Mike Rydman, Lead Pastor, Radiant Church | Juneau

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