April 27

Day 44: Convinced, Consistent and Continuing

We had a Zoom reunion early last week. The four of us, college buddies, had traveled for months together in Europe way back in 1979. Aside from Facebook, some of us had not since connected for a decade or more.

It was fun to get caught up. We compared hairlines (I won handily.) We compared relative weight gain (photo finish.) We compared number of offspring (I came in last. Last! But to be fair, and including adoptions, one of the guys has 18 children and 40 grandkids!)

One is retired! 3 of us are still employed. One works for the State Department. He's the Deputy Secretary of Something. (We asked if he carries a gun, wears a tux and gambles in Monte Carlo. Turns out, not often.)

We're all walking with Jesus. We're all happily married. There was much to celebrate in each other. Achievements all around.

I read this morning in 1 Kings 9 how King Solomon had achieved it all. Grand buildings built. Empire accomplished. Wealth and fame expanded.

The Lord revisits Solomon, and tells him that if he continues the blessings will continue. But if he doesn't, bad stuff will happen. God tells Solomon to be convinced, consistent and continuing with HIm.

Doesn't happen. The departure from God starts small, almost unnoticeable. Solomon had been doing business, good business with a neighbor king, a guy named Hiram (sounds like a nice guy.)

Part of the business contract included Solomon giving Hiram 20 cities near Hiram's home office. Solomon gave the cities, but the cities were lame. Hiram was nice about it, but none too pleased.

Solomon had compromised. Solomon did something to a friend that if in reverse would have left Solomon none too pleased.

As we continue to be stuck at home, we may find ourselves tempted to compromise. We may be tempted to think something, believe something, do something that could have consequences.

Rick Warren says, "Do not look for a permanent solution to a temporary problem."

We're all prone to look for false saviors. We're so not prone to see how even a small thought, a tiny decision can have gigantic and irreversible consequences. Sin is sneaky that way.

Reading this, you might think, "I'm doomed." Ordinarily, we would be doomed. All of us.

There's hope. Romans 8:38-39 says, "For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord."

God's love prevails. God's love holds us close. God's love wants to convince us that Jesus is the Savior. Our loving God, consistent and continuing, wants us to be convinced. He is the way, the truth, and the life.

In what we hope are the final days of our home confinement, can we be convinced? And in return can we be consistent and continuing?

-Mike Rydman, Lead Pastor, Radiant Church | Juneau

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