April 30

Day 47: Who Do I Love Today?

All of us will admit; life has taken on new rhythms. New interests. New priorities. We're doing less of this, more of that.

We are (I am) watching a lot less TV. (Lack of televised sports has forced this upon me.) We're listening to a lot more music (beginning mid afternoon most days) and "venturing out" in what we listen to. Sometimes I play something weird, just to see if Deb notices. She does.

We're trying new recipes, while going to the store less often. We're taking a walk together each day (it's our P.E. class.)

Deb has driven her car maybe once a week. If it's a big week, she might go twice.

Thursdays have become my "big day." It's Thursdays when I finish up and then record a sermon. Thursdays I make sure to wear a collared shirt.

I'm reading more. I'm finding more time to contemplate, to ponder some of life's bigger questions. Margin and time will do that.

A constant question for me: Do I make life too complicated?

My disposition is such that I can review each day and easily conclude I didn't do enough. Did I contact enough people? Did I work hard enough on the sermon? Did I maximize my time and resources? Did I pray; really pray?

King Solomon did everything. He found time to be wise. He enjoyed his life (to excess.) He built a lot of things (okay, he had people building lots of things for him.)

Yet in Ecclesiastes we see his review of his older man's life. He had tried everything. And he's left with asking the same questions.

With margin and time, he came to some simple conclusions. His wisdom boiled wise living down to not much.

Ecclesiastes 9:9, "Enjoy life with the wife whom you love, all the days of your vain life that he has given you under the sun, because that is your portion in life and in your toil at which you toil under the sun."

If I'm reading this correctly, he just said "All your work has earned you is some margin and time to enjoy and spend with your spouse."

If that's the end game, I'm good with it.

At the end of the book, Solomon adds this: "The end of the matter; all has been heard. Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man."

He's broken down wise living into one base element: live in light of the relationship God has provided for us to enjoy with Him.

At the end of this or any day, my question to myself should perhaps be, "Who did I love today?"

-Mike Rydman, Lead Pastor, Radiant Church | Juneau

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