April 8

Day 25: We see what we want to see

Like you, looking out the window, we see nothing but the wind howling and the snow-rain "wintery mix" Juneau does so well. (Being this is now April, we're likely not thrilled.) I'm not seeing much else outside. I may want to see the sun and blue skies; I know they're up there, but I'm not seeing any of that. At least right now.

Online, and depending on what sites we frequent, we read what we want to read, enjoy what we choose to enjoy, while we absolutely avoid sites that don't fit our own narrative.

We see what we want to see.

In trying to process how to respond to this pandemic we may find ourselves siding with those who think we're not taking this seriously (enough.) Or we may seek out posts from the "this is overblown" camp. Some are even drawn to the extremes that conspiracy theorists inhabit.

We see what we want to see.


Psalm 111:2-4 says, "Great are the works of the LORD, studied by all who delight in them. Full of splendor and majesty is his work, and his righteousness endures forever. He has caused his wondrous works to be remembered; the LORD is gracious and merciful."

The "studied by all who delight in them" bit is intriguing to me.

Apparently, when I am delighted in the visible, tangible evidences of God's grace, I am more inclined to "study" them; the "delight" seems to come before the "studied." If true then, I will investigate what interests, even delights me.

Because...we see what we want to see.

Seeing the tangible leads us to see the intangible. Righteousness, grace, mercy are intangibles. We see the tangible results. Like the wind, maybe.

And, our God has "caused his wondrous works to be remembered."

We see what we want to see. And we remember what we want to remember.

It's the work of the Holy Spirit to lead us to remember God's great works, the splendor and majesty of His works, His enduring work of righteousness toward us; His grace and mercy extended to us, undeserving though we are.

Lately (and throughout the past few years) a frequent prayer of mine has sounded something like this:

"Lord, help me to want to want what You want!"

Today, it's "Help me to delight in what You delight in."

We see what we want to see.

I want to see Him.

Mike Rydman, Lead Pastor, Radiant Church | Juneau

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