April 9

Day 26: Cracks in the castle. Gaps in the armor.

I'm noticing a shift in what some local (Facebook) friends are posting. Many of these same folks have historically been quick advocates for opinions and worldview. Many have not been too shy to communicate how very progressive, settled and capable they feel themselves to be. (I might be guilty of that myself, being that I'm writing this.)

But now the noticeable shift. Some of these same friends are admitting their opinions and even worldview are threatened. They're sharing their fears. Chosen foundations are crumbling.

They're admitting to cracks in their castle; gaps in their armor.

(Pro Tip: Trying to be our own god doesn't work.)

Our culture has tried to convince us that the singular act of being vulnerable is the only necessary action. "Authenticity" by itself is the value. To co opt some Bible words (though not intent), this would sound like, "Just admit the sin; don't be worried about repenting of the same. Don't change; just be honest."

This is akin to acknowledging the cracks in the castle and the gaps in the armor...

...but not wanting those same cracks and gaps to be repaired.

(Pro Tip: We cannot do the repair work ourselves.)

Psalm 94 offers a different opinion, a different worldview, a different repair option.

v17 "If the LORD had not been my help, my soul would soon have lived in the land of silence."

The Lord is the only help that repairs our fear of death, even our fears for the future.

v18 "When I thought, 'My foot slips,' your steadfast love, O LORD, held me up."

The Lord is the only help that repairs our fear of failure, our fear of losing control.

(Pro Tip: Our fear of losing control is an attempt to hang on to something we never had anyway.)

v19 "When the cares of my heart are many, your consolations cheer my soul."

The Lord is the only repair that helps us bear the stresses (real and imagined) and the weight of responsibilities each of us is carrying. Jesus is the only One strong enough to carry our stresses and bear our weights.

If Jesus can live a perfect life, die in our place bearing the weight of our sin, and be raised from the dead to eternal glory...

...He can console us; He can cheer our souls. He can repair our cracks and fill our gaps.

He can be your safe castle. He can be your strong armor.

Mike Rydman, Lead Pastor, Radiant Church | Juneau

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