August 11

Day 150: See You Again

This blog posting thing has occupied an hour of my mornings for now the past 150 days. Weekdays and weekends both. Usually only possible after two cups of coffee.

Honestly, I thought it would be a nothing more than a short-lived, stop gap effort to connect with our church. Of course, we all thought the restrictions related to the pandemic would be short-lived.

And here we are, 150 days later. Nice round number.

Writing these things has given me a daily opportunity to reflect, ruminate, ponder what I have read in God's Word an hour earlier. Some days I have known exactly what I want to say to you. Other days, it's been a blank slate, that sometimes resulted in a clunky offering. With writing, I am my own best critic.

When our son went off to college, I pondered how to continue to parent him, to have presence. So I began writing weekly letters. Every Monday.

Those letters continue to this day (almost 16 years.) His sister now receives a weekly letter as well. Couldn't favor one over the other, you know.

As a parallel, when the hunker-down restrictions on gathering came upon us in March, I pondered how to pastor our people. In spite of the grave inadequacies I have felt as a leader in recent months, these blog posts have been an attempt to connect with you, albeit one directional.

But starting tomorrow I will be taking a break. Lord willing, I'll be flying down to northern California (face mask in place) to gather with family, extended family, and greet my newest grandson face-to-face for the first time.

The weather will be a monumental improvement to what we have had here. The physical proximity to my family will be precious.

I admit to needing a break. I am ready to be refueled. I have preached sermons for the past 22 weeks. You will benefit from hearing God's Word communicated through a different voice this Sunday. You need the break too!

While out of town, I will read and write less, stay up late and laugh more. I will hold a new grandson, play with another grandson (he, the Crown Prince who bears two of my three names), and chat up the older grandsons who are now young men. I will enjoy every second with my adult children, and revel in seeing my wife take delight in everything and everyone.

And then, and again Lord willing, they will all return to their respective homes, and Deb and I to ours. I will return to the ramifications of the pandemic, to navigating the challenges of pastoral ministry in a very strange time.

And to the resumption of writing daily blog posts.

As the apostle Paul would greet his readers with "Grace and Peace," may you experience just that this next week. I will endeavor to do the same.

"See" you again on the 18th.

-Mike Rydman, Lead Pastor, Radiant Church | Juneau

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