August 23

Day 162: Just One More Hour

I sit here writing to you as part of my favorite time on Sundays.

I do love gathering with our church. I do love proclaiming the Word of God to His people. I do love sharing in the "Communion of the saints." I love our times of corporate prayer. I really like seeing everybody.

I do love singing unified praises to our King with you. I don't even mind the obligation to the little things that must happen behind the scenes to prepare for and expedite a Sunday worship service.

But what I love and appreciate the most on a Sunday is actually the early morning. It's not a preamble before a shower. It's more than that for me, quite significant and impactful, really.

The house is quiet. My bride is still asleep. Few lights are on. I read the assigned reading for that day in my Bible, usually not related to the sermon text, except that it also points me to Jesus.

I'm led to pray at a depth I find more difficult to acquire other days of the week. I confess sin, and fears, joys and disappointments, wins and losses.

And I confess my inadequacy to be and do what I have been called to be and do. I beg God to do what I know I cannot.

The best part? Silence.

This ancient aspect of a vibrant prayer life is usually so foreign to me. The world around me does not do silence very well. I do not naturally do silence well.

But more so on early Sunday mornings the Spirit convinces me of the Father's words, "Be still, and know that I AM God."

Silence is, for me, two things. It gets me to stop the inner dialogue in my head, to cease from filling all of the dead air space in my thoughts.

More importantly, silence gives the Spirit space to convey the Father's words to me. Prayer is intended to be a two-way conversation. We moderns seem more accustomed to talk at God, instead of talk (and listen) with God.

Outside this morning it is again dark and wet. Summer is giving way to fall. All the more better to focus my heart on the One who made my heart.

On these early Sunday mornings I often wish I had "just one more hour." These hours have become for me my very favorite time of the week.

But what follows next on any Sunday morning is pretty great too.

- Mike Rydman, Lead Pastor, Radiant Church | Juneau

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