August 3

Day 142: 75-25 Rule

While Covid has kept us inside, and the weather has kept us wet, it's still (sorta) summer.

This week we will be starkly reminded of just this, as several of us are or will soon be out of town for vacations, medical appointments, and such. We will be reminded again of how certain ones of us have essential roles in the life of our church.

You already know who they are. They're the ones who let the others know when they will not be present, and for how long. They're the ones who, when out of town, their GC likely will be unable or unmotivated to gather without their initiative, presence, preparation and leadership.

They're the ones who weekly do things behind the scenes, and their absence is felt immediately upon certain essential (and assumed) functions not getting done. They're the ones who are already there before you get there. They're the ones who give parts of their Saturdays to get ready for Sundays.

They're the ones who devote time each week to pray for the life and mission of our church, as a priority on their prayer list.

These are the sacrificial ones, because they each see the life and mission of the church being greater than themselves. Not satisfied to be simply compliant, they are instead purposefully generous with time, talents and treasures.

They are volunteers.

When pastors gather, someone will inevitably mention "the 80-20 rule." Twenty percent of the people in any church will be the ones who lead, serve and give. They're the ones who show up every week, unless out of town; be it to their GC or for our Sunday gatherings.

The remaining eighty percent are most content to enjoy the benefits gained by the service of the twenty.

Ironically, the eighty percent, perhaps unknowingly, perhaps not, place a higher requirement and expectation on the twenty...than they do on themselves. (Stop reading, and think about that for a moment!)

Church futurists have been predicting for years that the Church (big "C") in North America will see a fairly dramatic reduction, what ranchers would refer to as a "culling." A culling of the herd. A reduction of those who are content to simply take up space. These same church futurists see this as a good, and even overdue necessity.

The Church is being purified, even as some of us will find ourselves to be dross or chaff. Present, but unengaged. Uncommitted consumers.

The consumers, those who (by and large) make up the majority of the eighty percent will not stick around over time. They will self-select out. Respecting Jesus, but rejecting His Bride. Covid has provided the perfect cover to do so.

I suppose we could each ask ourselves the question, "Would I be missed if I was no longer involved with our church?" Rephrased, "Do I play any essential role in our life and mission?"

Chances are, we each already know the answer.

I pray someday we will be talking about a 75-25 rule.

-Mike Rydman, Lead Pastor, Radiant Church | Juneau

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