December 10

Day 271: Where Were You?

The book of Job finishes up (like it did for me this morning) with God sounding rather harsh. If you've ever been on the receiving end of harsh words, you may see, in time, the validity of what is said; but harsh is still harsh. Harsh always gets our attention.

After a long and drawn out dialogue between Job and His friends, God enters the conversation. He addresses His responses to Job, with, "Dress for action like a man; I will question you, and you will make it known to me." If ever there was a "Come to God" confrontation, this is it.

If I'm Job in that moment, my first and only thought is...Yikes! While I'm sure Job's friends sat back not uttering a word. (Maybe you've been in business meetings like that. I have.)

God proceeds to ask Job, "Where were you?" Where was Job, when God created everything? What is Job's role, while God holds everything together? Does Job know how everything works? God even mocks Job, saying, "Surely you know!"

God gives examples from creation. Mountain goats, wild oxen, war horses and ostriches are mentioned. Something called "Behemoth" (likely a hippopotamus) God created, and no man will mess with a hippo.. God intended that, by the way.

Then God brings up "Leviathan," a sea-dwelling creature. Probably pretty big, and mysterious to modern readers. Could have been a whale. Or a sea serpent. You choose.

God's point about Leviathan? If you, Job (like anyone else, for that matter) cannot stand up to Leviathan, that even the sight of Leviathan scares you, how can you possibly stand up to Me?

Will you find fault with Me? Who appointed you judge and jury?

Job responds with his only viable option. "I am of small account. I will say nothing more." God doesn't let up, however. He goes on to talk about Leviathan some more, ending with, "He is a creature without fear." Your fly rod cannot reel him in. "He sees everything that is high; he is king over all the sons of pride."

You (Job, and everyone else) are prideful. Yet Leviathan can easily kick your butt. And you think you can take Me on?

God has made His point. Job responds with, "I know that you can do all things, and that no purpose of your can be thwarted. I had heard of you by the hearing of the ear, but now my eye sees you; therefore I despise myself, and repent in dust and ashes."

We all have ideas of how God should interact with us. We all have notions of what God's right actions toward us should be. We all want to play judge and jury, evaluating God's goodness by what we deem to be good tidings we receive.

But the fact remains; we don't know, even a small percentage of what God is doing. We don't know why God allows certain circumstances into our lives. We struggle to get past what Joseph said to his brothers: "As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it or good."

We equate God's love and God's purposes for us with how well life is going for us. We question His love, even His sovereignty, when our lives find a rough patch.

Faith is believing God is a good Father Who gives good gifts to His children. Faith is content to let God be God, trusting His purposes will not, cannot be thwarted. Faith allows what appears to be negative have positive purposes behind it. Even if we cannot codify any of it. Faith is knowing we are created and finite,  while He is the Creator and infinite.

Faith answers the question, "Where were you?" with, "Right where you put me. Receiving the good and the bad You bring me. Acknowledging Your sovereignty. Accepting Your grace I do not deserve. Trusting You, instead of trusting myself."

And once Job learned the lesson of where he stood, God blessed him with more than he had previously lost. God is like that!

-Mike Rydman, Lead Pastor, Radiant Church Juneau

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