December 18

Day 279: Now That I Think About It

We're in that time of year, in a very strange year. Way too much time spent on social media (this page included.)

Have you noticed how just about everyone posting is trying to hit the proverbial home run? How just about everything posted (other than photos of food, or outtakes from Holiday family photos) are intended to be the final say, the most profound thing any of us will read in our lifetimes?

What's funny about all this is rarely does anyone post an original thought. It seems just about all of it is a repost, or a cut and paste. And of course, the poster wants to be seen in the most positive light possible.

Look how smart I am! Look at the smart people I'm friends with! Look at how deep a thinker I am! Honestly, and especially this time of year, in a very strange year, I'm left feeling cynical. My cynicism immediately leads to being judgmental.

Our elders got together this morning to pray. We used Romans 2 as our text and prayer template. Romans 2 talks a lot about how inconsistent we can be. Judging others, while excusing ourselves.

Even hitting us squarely between the eyes, the passage asks the question, "Do you teach others, do you not teach yourselves?" (Romans 2:21)

Our Bibles do not teach us not to judge. But, any judgments rendered must begin with ourselves. Our Bibles do not leave margin for us to judge others, while ignoring the same in ourselves.

Psychologists call this "projection." Meaning, we project guilt on to other people, as a way to manage our own guilt. If we can make someone else assume and carry our guilt, then we don't have to. Therefore, we must not be guilty after all, right?

James 3:1 says, "Not many of you should become teachers, my brothers, for you know that we who teach will be judged with greater strictness." And I would add, not many of us (me, included) should be judgmental toward others, even those who post really dumb stuff, because I invite greater judgment upon myself.

So here, on what is proving to be a rainy Friday, I have and will repent of my judgmental heart. This requires a thorough and complete reconstruction in me. That I cannot do, of course; but the Spirit of the risen Christ is in the business of doing just that.

I know I need the Spirit to do His work in me. And I'll help out by not overindulging on social media today. Probably a good idea for any day, now that I think about it.

-Mike Rydman, Lead Pastor, Radiant Church Juneau

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