January 17

Day 309: In Spite of Cancellations

Cancellations. Seems like this entire past week was defined by cancellations. Things to look forward to suddenly went "poof."

I am a part of a cohort of veteran pastors. Some of us have been friends for more than a decade. We get together twice a year. This spring was to be here. In Juneau. They were excited to visit. I was excited to show off our town.

And then the day after it was confirmed and announced, it was cancelled. Seems not every US state is on the same trend. Seems some of the pastors would lose credibility with their own churches if they traveled.

Our own church is not meeting in person today, nor for the next few weeks. Public place, and doors shut to keep out the cold have made it difficult for some of our church family. I'm told some have been questioned by coworkers. I'm told our public witness has been compromised. I'm told I may not be leading well in this.

There is nothing in these most recent cancellations that has encouraged me, if I'm honest. I can live just fine without hosting a dozen pastors in April. Less work for me. I can even live okay with not meeting today in person. We've done it before.

But what I am finding to be the most difficult, the most challenging is that cancellations can so often result in disunity. In broken fellowship. In divided opinions resulting in divided people.

If we meet in person, some will be offended. If we do not meet in person, others will be offended. And because it's been close to a year now, still others will not bother to meet at all. For me, it's a no win scenario.

This morning I will be preaching about prayer. Utilizing a passage from Judges. The text says nothing about cancellations. But it does lead us to consider what we pray for, and why.

And it is in these very dark winter mornings when I realize how much I need Jesus. How my own prayer life needs to deepen. How prayer expresses my dependence, and a search for the heart of God.

Because I've allowed this most recent spate of cancellations to get to me. I'll admit to that. And I need to be led closer to the Throne room of the King, so I can again get a glimpse of hope.

Hope in spite of cancellations.

-Mike Rydman, Lead Pastor, Radiant Church Juneau

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