January 25

Day 317: Monday Reset

Mondays need to be a reset for me. Sometimes the previous Sunday doesn't go according to plan. Sometimes it feels like having just gone through the motions of religious duty, and leadership obligations.

For me, there are two, very distinct "Here we go again" moments each week. Early Sunday mornings, for sure. And the following Monday mornings as well. It's become so predictable.

I read in Numbers 7 this morning, how the other 11 tribes brought things for the tribe of Levi to use. Things necessary for worship. Wagons, oxen to pull those wagons, worship implements, and animals to sacrifice.

Each of the 11 tribes brought the same things, the same number of things, showing the reader how each of those tribes were equal in devotion. Everybody was all in.

Were I the 11 tribes, I cannot say I would be equal in my preparation for or delivery of worship each week. Some Sundays it's pretty good. Some other Sundays, perhaps not as much.

So it comes to Mondays, and the needed reset. Because sometimes the professionalism of pastoral ministry can get in the way of professing the heart of God. Sometimes doing the job gets in the way of living the life. Sometimes the activity of ministry gets in the way of resting in Jesus.

In this past year, it seems Psalm 51:12 has become my Monday reset verse. A compass. A roadmap. A sometimes distress signal. "Restore to me the joy of my salvation, and uphold me with a willing spirit."

I know what I believe to be true. Except when I don't. I hold to the values I have. Except when I don't. And when I don't, it's because I've allowed something, or a pile of somethings to cloud my view.

So, on yet another dark Monday morning, I am asking the Father, because of the Son, and through the Holy Spirit to restore to me the joy of my salvation.

I am asking our Triune God to uphold me with a willing spirit. Essentially asking Him to preach the gospel to me. Again. And again and again.

I need just that today. And I'll surely need it again. And again and again. Even if I'm the only one who needs a Monday reset. But I'll bet I'm not alone.

-Mike Rydman, Lead Pastor, Radiant Church Juneau

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