January 26

Day 318: Seen By

For the first time in like forever, I looked yesterday to see how many people actually read these blog posts each day. And who. I looked at a random five days' worth. (Pro tip - usually not a good idea, as it can easily encourage or discourage any writer's idolatries.)

I am not unaware of the fact that a one-second click constitutes a "seen by." A click does not necessarily constitute a having actually read the post. I just found it interesting to see who seems to be on the "seen by" list on a regular basis.

If my math is correct, it plays out that 60 percent of you reading this are currently engaged with our church. Like, you live here in Juneau and consider us your church family. I also included our overseas missionaries, because they're still part of our family.

That leaves the remaining 40 percent. Some of whom moved away. Some others of whom are in town, but no longer align with our church. Some others are our own children. Others lead other Radiant churches.

Not judging, so please don't hear it as such. But, I want to pastor you. I want to share a concern. I want to address the remaining 40 percent. Especially if what I have to say applies to you.

This blog is public, for sure. It is written on/for the Radiant GC page, likely where you are right now if reading this. We also put it on our church's web site. Clearly, this blog is not intended to be secretive or hidden or clandestine.

My concern is that this daily blog post could constitute, for at least for some of you, your singular, solitary connection to a community of faith. It could be that you've fallen into the error of regarding me as your personal pastor.

What I'm saying is this: If, for you, my daily blog posts have become a substitute for active commitment to a local church, I've done you wrong. As a substitute, it is false substitute. If you want a pastor but not a church, you are in error.

I'm not trying to shoo you or anyone away. Like I said, these daily blog posts are quite public. I'm simply encouraging the remaining 40 percent to consider their need (and the command we cannot argue against from Scripture) to be a part of a local church.

Hebrews 10:24 is clear. "And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works..." We can only do this is we are truly present, regularly present and engaged with each other.

Verse 25 continues, defines and expands the previous verse. "...not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near."

What "Day" is that, you ask? The blessed day the Lord Jesus returns to gather His Church to populate the promised New Heaven and Earth, co-joined forever. All saying, we wait and prepare each other for Jesus. Together. Not independent of each other.

One of my fellow leaders encouraged me this morning to stop writing these blog posts. His concern echos what I've written above. (Clearly I'm not listening to him by writing this, but his concerns are valid, none the less.)

I started writing these blog posts in mid-March. I thought I'd write to encourage and provoke our church's people through the pandemic, not knowing how long this would and continues to take.

You, regardless of who you are or where you live are invited to continue reading my stuff each day. But, I also want to encourage you; in fact, I want (to use a stronger word) to exhort you to consider this:

Reading a blog post is not church. Reading a blog post does not constitute a positive obedient response to Hebrews 10:24-25.

If you're already not, or have been using Covid as an excuse, please reconsider. Please, please, please commit yourself to a gospel-centered church where you live. A family of believers learning to be and make disciples of Jesus Christ. Make yourself known and accountable to someone, or better to someones.

Now having written all this, I am almost certain I have offended at least someone. It's my guess the "seen by" numbers will plummet. Sorry, not sorry, if it results in anything good coming from it.

-Mike Rydman, Lead Pastor, Radiant Church Juneau

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