July 12

Day 120: Reminded of the War

Sundays are the one day a week when church people face a dilemma, limited to them. Perhaps not what you think; Do I go to church or not this Sunday? is not the question.

While is our present state, for many still, the days all mesh together. Can't tell or remember one from the next. But Sundays, for church people remain different.

The dilemma of Sundays is not attendance; it is one of recalling and renewing commitment. And priority.

Some will recount not their own experience with or heart's devotion to Jesus during the past week, but instead limit themselves to recall that their father had been a pastor; or their grandmother a missionary. All hoping that the legacy they inherited (or the genes they carry) will suffice.

Still others will remember going to camp one summer, maybe praying a prayer. Or the church youth group they were involved with years or decades ago. Maybe they have a mission trip on their spiritual resume. All hoping their own history of mountain top experiences, and well-intentioned good deeds will suffice.

But Jesus said to some such as these, "I never knew you." (Matthew 7:21-23)

We're all too prone to want to replace an authentic, every day devotion to Jesus with lesser things we hope will suffice. Sufficient enough for God's approval? Satisfying enough for ourselves?

Justin Giboney recently said, "We're far too comfortable with being Christian-ish."

"We embrace the language, symbols and trappings of the faith, but we flee when the substance and tenets of the faith threaten our comfort or ambitions."

Rivers give us a visual on this. Most rivers are crooked. Crooked because the river will always find the path of least resistance.

Seeking the path of least resistance is not winsome. It's unfaithful.

The battle for our souls is not fought on Sunday mornings. The battle ground is the other six days of the week.

It might just be that Sundays are the one day when we're reminded of the war. And who's been winning.

-Mike Rydman, Lead Pastor, Radiant Church | Juneau

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