July 13

Day 121: A New Heart and a New Spirit

We all favor certain ideas of what makes for justice and equity.

In a curious exchange in Ezekiel 18, God is responding to the Jews who ask the question, "Aren't the children also held guilty for their fathers' sins?"

God answers with, "Each generation is held responsible for their own sin, but not that of previous generations."

But the Jews' question is not that. It's really this. "Doesn't the good done by our leaders and people in times past help us now?"

Knowing this, God takes His response a step further. He goes on to say that it's who a man or woman is now is what holds them responsible.

Said this way. If a person was really bad, but then repents and obeys God, that person will live. Conversely, if a person was good (religious) but subsequently turns away from faith and obedience, that person will not live.

The Jews didn't appreciate this. At all. Not what they wanted to hear. They went so far as to say the God wasn't just. Why would that be?

God is using the story (above) to talk about the entire nation. The Jews in Ezekiel's time were not denying their own present sin...but they had put their hope in the spiritual legacy of their forefathers.

In other words, they wanted their collective ancestral  body of work to outweigh their present generation's sinful ways.

Who doesn't?

While the Jews had blatantly worshipped idols, while they had continuously ignored the Mosaic Law given to their ancestors, they still wanted to see themselves as God's preferred people.

So they wanted God to adjust His views on justice...and just go ahead and save them anyway, with no judgment of them involved. Like asking for a "Get out of Jail Free" card.

They wanted God nearby when needed. They just didn't want to be obligated. It was far easier to hope in their historical heritage (such as it was.)

We all know people who have walked away from faith. We all know people who have stopped going to church.

That's not what we're talking about here.

Instead, what God said to the people was more akin to the person who maybe holds to a certain modicum of theological belief; who maybe attends church from time to time.

But Jesus involved or not, they'd still be the same person anyway. Hoping that their own church-going history in the past, and being a nice person today is (and should be) enough.

How does God respond to all that?

God says, "Repent and turn from all your transgressions, lest iniquity be your ruin. Cast away from you all the transgressions that you have committed, and make yourselves a new heart and a new spirit! Why will you die...for I have no pleasure in the death of anyone, declares the Lord GOD; so turn, and live."

Being a nice person, having a family legacy of church attendees, or being a "In God We Trust" American cultural Christian has never saved anyone.

God's justice leaves room only for those who repent and turn to the mercy of the living God through Jesus the Christ.

Those who now have a new heart and a new spirit.

-Mike Rydman, Lead Pastor, Radiant Church | Juneau

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