June 13

Day 91: Priorities

In a conversation this week, I heard again the familiar priority list. Most churched people around North America (maybe more so in the midwest?) might nod approvingly to "God, Family, Church." In that order. (I suppose 'America' fits in somewhere.)

Not Alaskans. We're a peculiar breed. Our priority list sounds more like, "God, Family, Recreation, Church." In that order.

Weather and daylight hours impact our Alaskan priorities. If we're given a clear, sunny day, we HAVE to go out and play. We're afraid it might be the last sunny day we ever see again in our lifetimes. (The struggle is real. And we get real sick of bad weather.)

Alaskans work hard. Thus, Alaskans feel right about, even entitled to play hard. Without apology.

We Alaskan churched people are all about God's Creation. He did some of His very best work up here. We like to see it, and we like to play in it.

Appreciating God's work in Creation is what theologians call "General Revelation." (Kind of like God revealing Himself to the general public in a general kind of way.)

God has also revealed Himself in His Word to us, the Bible. He has revealed Himself to us in Jesus, as Hebrews tells us, "He is the radiance of the glory of God and the exact imprint of His nature."

God has also revealed Himself to us, strangely, in the Church. First Corinthians 12:12 says, "We are the Body of Christ." The Church, also, is to be the radiance of the glory of God, a (perhaps imperfect, but we're learning) imprint of His nature.

A couple of weeks ago, in a conversation with an old friend in the Costco parking lot, I was told, "Church isn't a priority for me, but I'm glad you're out there doing it."

Someday, all mankind, Alaskans included, will stand before a throne of judgment. Revelation 20:11 tells us of a "Great White Throne" (white = totally pure) where God is seated. "From His presence earth and sky fled away, and no place was found for them."

To me, that sounds like, the created world of recreation we all enjoy will no longer be our cover.

We're told books will be opened. And each of us will stand in judgment. Judgment over our chosen priorities.

We're soon entering a strange time in our shared history. Churches are opening up again (in stages.) Some will not show up out of fear for their health. Some won't show up because digital church is now preferred. Others will not show up (at least this summer) because of priorities.

While some will prioritize recreation, they'll be glad we're out there doing church anyway.

-Mike Rydman, Lead Pastor, Radiant Church | Juneau

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