June 20

Day 98: Immediately

The Gospel writer Mark is my kind of writer. Short sentences. Almost like bullet points. Lands the plane quickly. Shortest gospel account.

This is not to say I write like Mark; just that I like how he does it.

Mark 1:18, in Mark's enviable style, says, "And immediately they (Simon and Andrew) left their nets and followed him."

1:20 then continues, saying, "And immediately he called them (James and John), and they left their father Zebedee in the boat with the hired servants and followed him."

Mark's choice word "immediately" is used to mean what it means. Immediately they followed. No looking back.

Ever wonder about the guys left behind?

It wasn't like the Lord called these four commercial fishermen in a vacuum. Other people were right there. They heard what Jesus said, and witnessed the responses of the four.

Why would these four guys leave their livelihoods behind and follow, and the others not?

It wasn't necessarily an open invitation. And the Lord knew everyone's hearts. Some, by invitation, would follow; others would not.

Another Gospel writer, Luke, offers this in chapter 14: a banquet invitation goes out. And everyone makes excuses as to why they will not attend.

So this specific guest list is exponentially expanded. Everyone was welcomed to attend.

I wonder as I read these gospel accounts - how would I have responded?

Would I say "yes," and immediately leave everything behind to follow Him?

Would I just sit there and do nothing?

Or would I make excuses, continue doing what I want to do, while making faint promises to show up to the party later?

Simon and Andrew, James and John probably didn't know why they were willing to leave everything behind and follow Jesus. They just did.

They "immediately" saw in Jesus something better, far better than commercial fishing; better than commercial anything. They willingly entered into a new life's vocation. And Jesus proved Himself worth following.

Their "immediately" became their "all the time."

While others did nothing.

Or made excuses.

-Mike Rydman, Lead Pastor, Radiant Church | Juneau

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