June 24

Day 102: Do you Want to Be Healed?

Bethesda Maryland is named for The Bethesda Meeting House, a church (1820) then in the area, which in turn was named for the story in John 5.

There was this water feature, a pool, where "multitudes of invalids" hung out. Supposedly, when the pool waters would get "stirred up," the first one into the water got healed. Everyone else lost out, and had to wait for the next opportunity.

So Jesus just happens to show up (beginning in verse 6.)

"When Jesus saw him (a long timer who'd been immobile for 38 years) lying there and knew that he had already been there a long time, he said to him, "Do you want to be healed?"

This comes off as the dumbest question ever. Why would anyone prefer to stay sick?

But rather than say "Absolutely, I want to be healed!" the guy instead answers with a complaint slash excuse.

"Sir, I have no one to put me into the pool when the water is stirred up, and while I am going another steps down before me."

Immobile guy never answers the Lord's question.

He just tells Jesus how he's dependent on other people to accommodate him, and they haven't cooperated, haven't done enough to serve him.

Some people (certainly not you or I) become accustomed to their situation, and the pattern of life it requires. Their identity is wrapped up in their unfortunate circumstances.

And victims can sometimes be very demanding.

Some folks I've known personally like the attention and being served. They're convinced the only reason other people acknowledge them and show kindness to them is because of their affliction. They fear that if they were healed, they would lose the attention they've come to expect and depend on.

Maybe others (people I've also known personally) don't want to be healed, because they don't want the responsibility of being healthy.

It's easier to sit back and receive the generosity of others than it is to get out of bed and go to work. (Current unemployment insurance, anyone?)

So the Lord then says..."Get up, take up your bed, and walk."

"Get up" - Believe Me to be the God who heals. I'm here to change your situation and more importantly your self-assigned victim identity.

"Take up your bed" - You won't be living here like this anymore.

"Walk" - Go find a job, and begin living a responsible life, maybe even caring for others in addition to yourself.

Later in the same story, Jesus finds the now newly mobile guy in the temple square. (Maybe looking for work. Maybe securing a new place to live.)

And Jesus says, "See, you are well." The Lord of the gospel message has made believers well, and will someday make us comprehensively well.

But the initial question remains, for each of us.

"Do you want to be healed?"

-Mike Rydman, Lead Pastor, Radiant Church | Juneau

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