June 6

Day 84: Witness and Servant

Without any preamble on my part, Isaiah 43:5-7 says, "Fear not, for I am with you; I will bring your offspring from the east, and from the west I will gather you. I will say to the north, Give up, and to the south, Do not withhold; bring my sons from afar and my daughters from the end of the earth, everyone who is called by my name, whom I created for my glory, whom I formed and made."

These hopeful words were initially addressed to God's chosen people, soon before being led off into captivity. As it reads, the promise is for the "offspring," as 70 years of exile would likely see that generation of parents not see God's rescue in their lifetime.

It wouldn't be the first time God had allowed a sinful generation to expire before redeeming His people.

As I read Isaiah's words, I also see a parallel to the NT Church. The Body and Bride of Christ called from all directions of the globe, living out in their created purpose as a present day expression of God's glory.

But when our Lord God calls someone, anyone, to be His own, He assigns us all a new identity.

He says in verses 10-11, "You are my witnesses, declares the Lord, and my servant whom I have chosen, that you may know and believe me and understand that I am he. Before me no god was formed, nor shall there be any after me. I, I am the Lord, and besides me there is no savior."

3 thoughts:

One, we are witnesses. We are servants. We are each witnesses to what Christ Jesus has done in and for us individually, and corporately. We are servants to a new Lord and Master.

Two, our identity is based on what we know, believe, understand to be true of Him. We are the people on earth who can and must hold the hope of Jesus as our only hope.

Three, we are the people assigned to proclaim, "There is no other Savior!" Unlike another master the world would offer, and beyond just simple benevolence, this new Lord and Master loves us dearly.

Be it a Saturday, or any other day, I need to be again reminded: He is the Lord. Besides Him there is no savior. He paid the highest price for me. I belong to Him. He called me to be His.

And while I still have breath in my lungs, I will bear witness to Who He is and what He's done through Jesus.

Because, like you, I am a witness and a servant.

-Mike Rydman, Lead Pastor, Radiant Church | Juneau

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