March 18

Day 4 (or 6) of social distancing.

We're now beginning to feel the effects of isolation from each other. And it seems whatever our church or any of our GC's decide to do going forward will not seem fully right or fully wrong. Opinions can be divided, as everyone is responding as they each see fit.

Of the many people that followed David before he became king of Israel, this little comment on the tribe of Issachar says they were "men who had understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do..." (1 Chronicles 12:32.)

I wish it was that easy for us. Our other elder Paul and I met this morning (likely the last morning Heritage Coffee will be open for a while) and talked about how we don't necessarily know what to do in each scenario, but we do know to do what we know to do.

The State and our City are mandating that certain businesses now be closed to in-store traffic. Restaurants are complying today by 5:00pm, with gyms and other gathering places likely soon to follow. And Radiant Church Juneau is in a season where we can express and display the gospel. Strangely, this is an "opportunity market" for us!

The Apostle Paul told a young pastor in Titus 3:1, "Remind them to be submissive to rulers and authorities, to be obedient, to be ready for every good work, to speak evil of no one, to avoid quarreling, to be gentle, and to show perfect courtesy to all people." Nothing to debate here; we will comply accordingly. We will comply, and we will honor others.

Our GC is going to try using Zoom to connect tomorrow evening, if just to pray over and for each other. For all of us, this is now a season to put into more intentional practice what we believe to be true about Biblical unity.

As Family and as Servants, perhaps we can each commit to contacting someone else today, just to see how they're doing. As Missionaries, perhaps we can reach out (by phone, maybe) to someone in our circle of relationships who does not know the grace of Jesus, just to show interest and concern.

And as Disciples (see what I've done here?) we can consider how the Spirit of the risen Lord Jesus wants to fill us with His truth that is always waiting for us in His Word. And maybe share with our own family members what we're reading.

We don't necessarily know what to do in each scenario, but we do know to do what we know to do. We're still the Church; still a Family of Servant Missionaries learning to be and make Disciples of Jesus. For His glory and our joy!

-Mike Rydman, Lead Pastor, Radiant Church | Juneau

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