March 19

Day 5 of social-distancing (now functional home confinement)

Today, Deb and I will learn how to work in the same space at the same time. Considering how often we bump into each other in the kitchen, this new proximity will be "fun." Priority booking for our home office space will be determined by which of us has the next Zoom call.

This morning I have been (literally, prayerfully) considering how our isolation from each other will force the reality of our beliefs and values to the front of the queue. What do we believe about the sovereignty and grace of God? To what extent do we trust the promises God has made to us in Scripture? To what extent do we value the church? Will this expose each of us as only trusting in our history of church attendance and/or that one time we went to a Christian camp, or will this quarantine result in a fresh renewal of our love for Jesus and His Church?

Psalm 106 is a recollection of the cyclical failure of God's people and the faithfulness of God toward His people; kind of like the Book of Judges, though with a broader history.

"Many times he delivered them, but they were rebellious in their purposes and were brought low through their iniquity. Nevertheless, He looked upon their distress, when He heard their cry. For their sake He remembered His covenant, and relented according to the abundance of His steadfast love." (Psalm 106:43-45)

This new world order is an opportunity. To what extent are we each willing to take responsibility for the development of our own relationship with Jesus? His New Covenant with us has not changed on His end.

And, will our absence from each other cause our hearts to "grow fonder." Will it result in a new love for and a new commitment to the gathered and scattered people of God; meaning, will we miss each other more?

Here's hoping!

-Mike Rydman, Lead Pastor, Radiant Church | Juneau

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