March 23

Day 9: We're now to the point where we may be playing little games at home, like: How long can I go without a shower...and not look like a used Q-Tip? How much can I continue eating, and not gain the "Covid 15?"

And as I just finished scanning my usual news sources, I'm seeing a newish trend this morning - anger. Some are angry that previously rocky marriages are now in crisis. Many are angry toward the State Legislature, the Federal Government (all 3 branches), the Chinese government, the cruise ship industry, hoarders, churches that are doing big-scale live streams, and churches that are not. At some level, everyone is angry, and looking for someone to blame.

For Christ followers, we have and need an alternative; a redirect, an altered focus point.

Psalm 39 is a solid starting place. Verses 3 and 4 say, "My heart became hot within me. As I mused, the fire burned; then I spoke with my tongue: O LORD, make me know my end and what is the measure of my days; let me know how fleeting I am!"

We start with a known but perhaps ignored Biblical perspective - Covid 19 or not, our days are few, and our length of days is under God's control, not ours.

Then, we can be encouraged to migrate to praise. Psalm 25:1 says, "Shout for joy in the LORD, O you righteous! Praise befits the upright." Praise is appropriate for us; it fits us.

May I commend you to what I read this morning? (Besides some other stuff) I read Psalms 25, 29, 33 and 36. All of these psalms are attributed to King David. All of these are David's responses to the incredible promises and the already fulfilled tangible expressions of grace he had received from God. (See 2 Samuel 7 and 1 Chron. 17 for context.) Praise is the logical response to who God is and what He's done.

Way back in the time machine, our then kindergarten daughter was in her first year of "organized" soccer. (It wasn't.) The first aid kit for each game had only two items. Bandaids...and bubble gum! The purpose for the bandaids was/is obvious. The bubble gum, on the other hand, was really for behavior modification. We were all told that kids cannot cry and chew bubble gum at the same time. So, when a soccer player was crying we popped a piece of gum in their mouth. Darn if it didn't work, too!

Praise befits us, and is useful for behavior modification. It's hard to praise our God and be mad at everyone else at the same time.

The question here on a Monday morning is, Do I want to continue angry? Or do I want an altered focus point?

More to the point - does praising my God befit me?

Be that as it is, here on yet another very strange Sunday morning, we have an opportunity to listen to who we choose to listen to, the chance (and the time) to consider our truth source, to ponder what our own narrative will be going forward.

Choose today the voice you will respond to. Don't be the result of your past bad choices, failures and sin. Choose, instead, the hope that is in Jesus. For He is not an accuser; He is our defense; He is our grace; He is our hope.

You and I are trophies of His grace. We are the adopted sons and daughters of the King. No false accusations, no alternative narrative changes that.

-Mike Rydman, Lead Pastor, Radiant Church | Juneau

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