March 6

Day 267: No Sweeter Words

Yesterday I enjoyed a conversation with another pastor in town. We talked and listened, and realized so many similarities between us.

We share a similar life stage. We seem to find our joys in similar people and things. We share many of the same concerns. We both voiced our inadequacies and our unknowns.

The highpoint of our conversation was in stating where we each are in Christ. Philippians 3:8 articulates it for us. "But whatever gain I had, I counted as loss for the sake of Christ."

This is not to say either of us are suddenly free of sin's entanglements, of dumb motives, of fears real or imagined. Simply to say, we're both making some tangible progress toward a place of exclusively seeking and trusting Jesus. Because that's all we have.

Later in that same chapter it reads, "Not that I have already obtained this or am already perfect, but I press on to make it my own." It's funny how the trajectory of life causes one to reevaluate and reset motivations and goals over time.

But why? What convinces anyone to entrust their trust to Jesus?

The last part of the same verse. "I press on to make it my own, because Christ Jesus has made me his own."

There may no sweeter words found. He made me His own. I am in a good place. I am in good hands. Because Jesus snatched me from the fires of my own sin, and secured a safe place for me close to Him.

Our church's name is taken from Psalm 34:5. "Those who look to him are radiant, and their faces shall never be ashamed."

Ironically, the context for this psalm is David crying out for relief from his enemies. Not external enemies, mind you, but internal enemies. And yet, David is able to state the future with the assuredness of the present.

Because he believes it is his present. In spite of any and all hardships, his face is radiant. By choice. His circumstances do not determine his place. He can glow in the sure knowledge of who and where he is. Because of Who he belongs to.

Later in the same psalm it says, "Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the LORD delivers him out of them all."

That is a statement of gospel faith. The problems don't go away. Situations may not turn out the way we would prefer. But neither does our assured identity in Jesus. He delivers us, because He has made us His own.

So today, I will reflect on and endeavor to be radiant. I have no reason whatsoever to be ashamed.

Because He has made me His own. No sweeter words.


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