May 2

Day 49: Positive Thoughts

I don't even know what the term "positive thoughts" means. I've heard it used, especially in the past week or so. Something along the lines of, "I hope it turns out well for you," I suppose. I'm sure it's very well intended.

But it confuses me all the same. How does one "send" positive thoughts? And, is it like my positive thoughts could somehow change a situation, heighten someone's odds of success, contribute to anything?

5 decades ago, the same notion was phrased, "Good vibes." Good Vibrations (iconic song written and performed by the Beach Boys) simply referred to a nice day doing what you wanted to do. Or maybe something else. I'm not sure.

String Theory supposes that all matter is made up of "microscopic vibrating strings." I am not a physicist, so most of this doesn't make sense (or seem super important to me), but I like the idea of strings constantly vibrating.

My sister is a harpist. She plucks strings for a living. Her playing a harp may be a picture of what God did and does in Creation.

God the Father spoke everything into existence. God the Son (The Word of God) fashioned everything. God the Holy Spirit (the Wisdom of God) energized everything.

Maybe the Spirit plays in the string section.

Let me attempt to get to a point.

If God is the Creator; if God is the Sustainer, it makes more sense to me that we would approach Him to change a situation. My "positive thoughts" don't have that kind of power. I've never willed anything into existence. I can't even keep plants alive.

Looking to our Lord in prayer is more effective than my positive thoughts (as if praying to myself.) Colossians 1:19-20 says, "For in Him all the fullness of God was pleased to dwell, and through Him to reconcile to Himself all things, whether on earth or in heaven, making peace by the blood of His cross."

It makes more sense to me to look to the One who plays the strings because He made the strings. His string playing will eventually result in all things being reconciled to Himself, like all things were originally intended.

When heaven and earth meet together before the very presence of God.

We'll all have positive thoughts then.

-Mike Rydman, Lead Pastor, Radiant Church | Juneau

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