May 25

Day 72: Irrespective of the Weather

Memorial Day weekend is (sometimes, hopefully) sunny and warm. When that is the case, I can think of numerous fun things to do outside to occupy and enjoy that holiday Monday.

Today, however, NOAA says it's 80% chance of showers. Two thoughts: 1) If it's raining right now, don't the odds immediately move to 100%?

2) Showers means whatever I wear will be wrong, and, what ever I think I want to do outside will be wet...or soon to be wet.

It's funny how, while we're not quick to admit it, we feel ripped off when a holiday includes rain. It's almost like we think God owed us a sunny day, and didn't deliver.

We North Americans use the word "holiday" to refer to a day off from work, supposedly to devote part of that day to a national celebration and/or somber remembrance. We put our US flags up, and eat hot dogs.

In the UK, however, "holiday" means vacation. For Brits, it includes packing bags and jumping on a plane. Since the sun never shines in the UK, I assume people go somewhere sunny and warm for their holidays. I would.

Whatever the weather, working today as usual is no one's first choice. And, because of what I do for a living (insert smiley face), it could almost be I think I deserve to "take a vacation from Jesus" for that one day.

My needy soul, however, cries out to the contrary. Not unlike any other day, I need to be reminded and refreshed in the gospel of Jesus. Even the gospel as articulated in the Old Testament.

My annual reading plan had me reading (all of) Micah this morning. In this, I read the gospel.

Micah 7:9 says, "I will bear the indignation of the LORD because I have sinned against him, until he pleads my cause and executes judgment for me. He will bring me out to the light; I shall look upon his vindication."

With the off and on rain today, I may find myself watching Korean League baseball. Or Deb may invent yet more projects for us. We may even get full-on aggressive and do something later to get our 10,000 steps.

All the while celebrating, even somberly remembering what Jesus did to vindicate me.

He has brought me out to the light. Irrespective of the weather.

-Mike Rydman, Lead Pastor, Radiant Church | Juneau

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