May 26

Day 73: Blessed be the Name of the Lord

Full disclosure: What follows will come off less like a blog post, and more like a report. Bear with me.

In theory, a conservative fiscal plan seems to make sense. We're all in favor of less governmental spending and lower taxes. As long as basic services (and our own individual and/or cultural priorities) are left intact and resourced, of course.

No one contests the notion that eliminating personal debt contributes to a lifestyle less encumbered by stress. We can agree to the ethic of "live within your means." (Ever been near someone who had just paid off their college debt, or made their final mortgage payment? No, me either.)

Several observers have already written on how churches are weathering the results of social-distancing and shelter-at-home orders. A month or two ago, it was the churches that did not already have high overhead costs, and those whose internal income came primarily through a digital giving portal were better positioned to remain solvent and thrive. (That's us, by the way.)

But, we're all more comfortable with theory than we are when theory meets reality; when it all gets real, at home and personal. Some well known big box stores are closing operations this week. And the majority of churches are now having to make budget cuts.

We are not exempt. We're on the doorstep.

Our online giving has almost kept pace (maybe 85%.) But two factors have contributed to our now present bank balance shortcomings. 1) People who normally "walk their check in" on Sunday mornings have not been able to do so in the past 2 months. 2) Some of our most generous, sacrificial givers have moved away. (Remember all the going-away parties we've had?)

It seems counter-intuitive, that while we've saved on rent at the school, our balance has actually dipped.

So what to do?

First, we will pray to the Lord who "owns the cattle on a thousand hills," for wisdom and for provision. Second, we will now begin to tighten our proverbial belt.

This means pastoral salaries (mine) will be reduced. It means that funds our church faithfully, sacrificially gives each month to local entities and church-planting will be reduced.

If this results in me going back to part-time (or no time), so be it. I am not entitled. Deb and I trust the One who holds us in His hand.

If this results in me having to make calls to local entities and church planters to tell them our giving will be reduced, I will do it - even though I won't look forward to it.

Job had a faith-filled response to traumatic personal loss. "And he said, 'Naked I came from my mother's womb, and naked shall I return. The LORD gave, and the LORD has taken away; blessed be the name of the LORD.'"

Our God is a good Father who gives good gifts. Somehow, even in the face of budget concerns, He is doing something good in (even for) our church.

Austerity rarely feels good. But, it's His church.

Blessed be the name of the Lord!

-Mike Rydman, Lead Pastor, Radiant Church | Juneau

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