May 28

Day 75: New Every Morning

Maybe not true for you, but I have stretches in every day that feel like every other day.

The start to each day is identical to the previous day. And the next day. I do the same things, in the same order, day after day after day.

My evenings end with me doing the same things I did the previous evening. And I'll do the same things the following evening. Evening after evening after evening.

I don't do surprises well. I am not always (okay, rarely) comfortable with impromptu anything. (This fact alone shows I am not a long time Alaskan, among other things.)

For some, interruptions are opportunities. For me, interruptions are simply interruptions.

Routines can be good, but I am a creature of perpetual habit. Sometimes I feel like not much more than a machine. I have become painfully predictable.

Some might look at me and admire my self discipline. Others might see me as boring.

When I drill down, I realize my desire to maintain my behavior regime is ultimately a control issue. Sure, I'll be adventurous and try any new food, or listen to (almost) any new music. But I'll do it when it fits my schedule. Adventure under control.

It's exponentially hard to grow in my relationship with Jesus if I put constraints on how and when it happens.

Jeremiah wrote in Lamentations 3:21-24, "But this I call to mind, and therefore I have hope: The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. The LORD is my portion, says my soul, therefore I will hope in him."

...Putting aside for the moment that this text is the source for one of my least favorite worship songs...

As Jeremiah wrote this, "New every morning" is not so much an emphasis on "every" (though we certainly need His love and mercies every day.)

The emphasis is really on "new." And the word "new" could've been translated "fresh." Not that we're looking for God to drop new truth bombs on us. Rather, that He gives us fresh eyes to see Him, His steadfast love and never-ending mercies.

I want that!

Which means, I may have to give up the routines, alter my predictability, and forego any false sense of control.

So each day is no longer a repeat of the previous day.

-Mike Rydman, Lead Pastor, Radiant Church | Juneau

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