May 31

Day 78: Like the Morning Dew?

Reading the (first half) of the prophet Hosea this morning, I'm left contemplating how it is that we are so forgetful.

Speaking through Hosea, God uses the analogy of Israel and Judah being like prostitutes, but prostitutes who actually run after paying lovers.

Hosea 6:4 What shall I do with you, O Ephraim [northern kingdom]? What shall I do with you, O Judah [southern kingdom]? Your love is like a morning cloud, like the dew that goes early away.

If you're reading this, you'll identify with the personal experience of having moments of delight in the Lord. And you'll also identify with having longer stretches where our hearts are pointed to and searching for something else.

Perhaps we're all self-aware. We know we're prone to wander. We know we're so apt to look for other functional saviors.

And it doesn't make us proud of ourselves.

So, in our own strength we attempt to compensate. And maybe Sunday mornings seems to be the best opportunity (?)

But we've also all had this experience - knowing that at best, we each were content to go through the motions that particular Sunday morning. The people went through the motions. And the leaders went through the motions too.

Which is why, while driving home, we may just exhale and think, "Good, got that over with!"

And while we've gone through the motions, participated in our religious experience, we're left feeling rather flat.

Because that may be exactly what our Lord wants us to feel?

Hosea 6:6 says, "For I desire steadfast love and not sacrifice, the knowledge of God rather than burnt offerings."

Hosea speaks for God, saying that God wants a faithful wife; a wife who doesn't forget she's married to Him; a wife who doesn't go looking for extra-marital affairs.

A wife who wants to truly know her Husband. A wife whom, after having had a conversation with her Husband doesn't just exhale and think, "Good, got that over with!"

The pandemic has broken some of our routines, particularly our Sunday morning routines. Not a one of us misses hauling gear, setting up chairs, or prepping for children's church.

The pandemic has also created some space in our heads, to think, to ponder, and for at least some of us, to ask of ourselves...

Is my love for my Lord like the morning dew?

Would I rather it be steadfast?

-Mike Rydman, Lead Pastor, Radiant Church | Juneau

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