May 8

Day 55: Silence

Yesterday, in the midst of chaos, I was given a gift.

While I was in the middle of a 3-hour Zoom call (!!!) the firewood guy showed up (!!!) Typical, he doesn't write, he doesn't call, he just shows up unannounced. His arrival distracted me, and it was left to Deb to interrupt her own workday to deal with moving vehicles and paying the man.

So why a gift?

I will spend the morning today schlepping the 2 cords worth of wood from one end of the backyard to the other. It's the one time I for sure use our wheelbarrow each year. I will get dirty, I will sweat. I will get my steps in. And I have to get this done before my scheduled walk with Joel this afternoon.

So why a gift?

I won't be talking much while I'm moving wood. There isn't enough oxygen to go around. This little project will force me to be quiet, to listen instead of dominate the airspace. I will be seeking an audience with the Spirit.

1 Corinthians 2:12 says, "Now we have received not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, that we might understand the things freely given us by God."

Today will be a day when I will be reminded once again that accomplishment does not equal purpose.

That productivity does not equal value.

(And for me) how many people we have in our church, or what my genius plans may be for our corporate re-emerging do not equal "What am I hearing from the Lord?"

A wise man once said, "Only the one who is silent can hear."

Ecclesiastes 5:1-2 says, "Guard your steps when you go to the house of God. To draw near to listen is better than to offer the sacrifice of fools, for they do not know that they are doing evil. Be not rash with your mouth, nor let your heart be hasty to utter a word before God, for God is in heaven and you are on earth. Therefore let your words be few."

So I will endeavor today to receive the Lord's tangible gifts of stellar weather, movement, and keeping my mouth shut.

So I can hear what He has to say.

And maybe learn something of Who He is and what He has done...and what He is doing.

-Mike Rydman, Lead Pastor, Radiant Church | Juneau

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