October 10

Day 210: Fit For The Inheritance

October is the month each year when I realize I'm not keeping up. While I've developed over my lifetime a knack for emotionally reacting late to just about everything, it's October than condemns me.

When it comes to Fall, I am not a first responder.

It's in October when I finally realize it's no longer summer. August and September just fly by, and leave me to my own delusions. But October comes with rapid seasonal change, lower temps, and no grace for denial on my part.

Fall (such as it is up here in SE Alaska) is the one season I am never ready for. I only come to accept Fall when it's already half over, and Winter is at the front door. The pumpkin spice phenomena seems to escape my notice. We go from outdoor weenie roasts to Thanksgiving turkey in what seems to me just a day or so.

While contemplating all of these "deep" thoughts, I read James's letter in its entirety this morning. Faith without works is dead faith. Make no assumptions for the future. Let you words be few. All of these vital themes from James.

But reading James again this morning, I am struck with one primary thought. Am I ready?

James 5:8 says, "Establish your hearts, for the coming of the Lord is at hand."

Does the practice, the living out of my faith evidence my faith? Do I have things in my heart that I cling to, only hoping to be forgiven without examination?

How embarrassed will I feel before my King and Judge, if the world as I know it ends later today? And court is in session, the Judge seated, and my records made public?

I have a sense, in that moment, the passing of Summer to Fall won't be too important. Even in my delayed reactions to Fall, I can instead ponder and ask the Holy Spirit to reveal to me whether or not I'm established in heart, ready for the King's arrival.

Will I be found fit for the inheritance prepared for me?

-Mike Rydman, Lead Pastor, Radiant Church | Juneau

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