October 26

Day 226: Influence

It's been a slog of a past week for me. Some travel, some very late nights combined with very early mornings. And increasingly cold weather making for increasingly cold Sunday worship gatherings. All coupled with a pronounced lack of energy.

I think I need to go to the gym. Or at least go outside and breathe some outside air.

I begin this week behind in just about everything. Recorded sermons, blog posts, phone calls, coffee meetings, the list goes on. My ungodly desire for high control is under high alert.

For me, I realize I carry weight for our church, and for the other Radiant churches. Some say I have influence. Some would also say I should have more; and others less. If I'm honest, I'd side with the "he should have less" camp. I can't even handle a Monday morning.

The apostle Paul wrote (again) to the Corinthian Church about influence. They had all sorts of challenges, and sin amongst that church was winning. Part of this was in seeing how many differing entities all wanted ultimate influence over the church. And they didn't even include the Holy Spirit as one of the contenders.

On one hand Paul says in 2 Cor. 10:15, "But our hope is that as your faith increases, our area of influence among you may be greatly enlarged." Meaning, he and his fellow laborers wanted just what he said, that they would have greater influence.

Paul was not seeking position or control or accommodations or glory. He wanted to influence this church much closer to the grace of the gospel of Jesus. He had already sacrificed much to that end.

But just a few verses earlier, Paul also said, "But we will not boast beyond limits, but will boast only with regard to the area of influence God has assigned to us, to reach even to you."

Two thoughts. We all are given an area, a sphere of influence. Leaders are called to be influencers. And, the scope of our gospel influence respectively is likely not the same as that assigned to another leader. As Paul said, we each need to be responsible and faithful to the influence, and opportunities for influence that God has assigned each of us.

Secondly, (and admittedly my own thought), the scope and sphere of influence may change over time. What was perhaps true for me a decade or two ago may not be what is assigned to me today. In other words, be faithful, but hold with open hands.

One's perceived and desired scope of influence can be a seed bed for pride; very sinful pride. That's why Paul closed this chapter with this: "For it is not the one who commends himself who is approved, but the one whom the Lord commends."

This past week I found myself commending myself, even campaigning for myself. I look back now and feel remorse and regret.

Insider tip. Most church leaders (paid or volunteer) want to be influential. We all, if honest, want our territory to increase. But it is not our own efforts, our own campaigning that will commend us in the end. This commendation is limited to that which the Lord Jesus Himself gives.

To the one willing to stay in his/her lane. While looking to the Spirit if to be led to (or from) an enlarged sphere of influence, a wider lane.

And motivated only for any influence assigned to lead others closer to the Lord Jesus. Even if that requires that we influence for a season or two, and then willingly fade away.

-Mike Rydman, Lead Pastor, Radiant Church Juneau

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