October 6

Day 206: Transitions

It's my sense, in just the next few weeks, we're all entering into yet more transition. Some of it will be political, and some will be related to our own health.

Now that we're thick into the flurry of state and national elections, our various candidates are attempting a new transition. At least they hope to do so. Instead of continuing the polarization and cancel culture rhetoric, now they're working to convince us, the electorate, that if elected, they will benevolently represent all of us, equally.

Impossible, I say. We're a long time removed from centrist, inclusivist anything. Those ultimately elected will be so because they ultimately promise to toe their own party's line. To toe one line is to disavow and oppose the other. The candidates can only expect or receive dollars and votes from one side. Not the other.

We're also entering into a new health crisis. Writing for the Gospel Coalition this morning, David Murray said this: "The seismic uptick in social media consumption, combined with decreases in sleep, exercise, social contact, money, hope and control, means we've got a long term mental health crisis on our hands."

A mental health crisis that no newly formed (or continued) government can possibly rectify. All governments ultimately fail its people. Even the theocracy of Old Testament Israel proved that, many times over.

As it is now, each of us, to a person, must now take ownership of their own needed transitions. It's easy to think, "Maybe true for other people, but not for me. I'm just fine, thank you very much!"

Each of us, with honest open eyes, must recognize the warning signs. With any integrity, most of us would say that we're not as healthy, strong, resilient or hopeful as we were even 7 or 8 months ago. Many of us do not remember the last "fun" thing we did. Outside. With other people. We were not created by God to live like this.

Some of us, me included, need to recapture some old, trusted rhythms. Better sleep, and more exercise can both contribute nothing but positive. We all know that. At least in theory.

We all need to figure out what social contact between us can be, and the necessity for such. How can we move increasingly toward others instead of shying away from them? It may be that some around us are already suffering, but suffering in an isolation of their own choosing. The cavalry doesn't come running when you're on an island.

The Church (big "C") is going to feel the weight of these challenges. The Church will need to help pick up the pieces after this next round of elections. The Church will also have to help individuals pick up the pieces of their own lives. A long term mental health crisis indeed.

All this while the Church is trying to figure out how to move forward itself in solvency, stability and gospel impact.

All this to say, what we ultimately believe will be tested. What we believe to be true of Who Jesus is and what He has done, and how that determines who I am and how I am to live will be the single most determining factor in how well each of us navigates the transitions now forced upon us..

-Mike Rydman, Lead Pastor, Radiant Church | Juneau

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