March 2020
March 23
Day 9: We're now to the point where we may be playing little games at home, like: How long can I go without a shower...and not look like a used Q-Tip? How much can I continue eating, and not gain the "Covid 15?" And as I just finished scanning my usual news sources, I'm seeing […]
March 22
Day 8: Here, on a second Sunday morning, and prohibited from gathering together, perhaps by now we've come to hear some new things. We're certainly not lacking for online opinions, statistics or pleas to our various levels of government to do something. By now we're quite versed in the terminology, the graph and the means […]
March 21
Day 7: As of last night we are now discouraged from non-essential travel, and public schools are closed through the end of April. It looks like I won't be volunteering 2 weekends in May to direct high school track meets. I'm okay with that. I may not hit MVP Gold. I'm not quite so okay […]
March 20
Day 6 of social-distancing. My friend Caleb (Radiant MatSu) compared our present isolation to living at 50 degrees below. The first week or so the choice to stay home and be warm is actually reassuring if not fun. But after a few weeks, the novelty wears off and everyone just ignores the cold and goes […]