April 2020
April 18
Day 35: Missing the Buzz Deb and I are starting to place wagers with each other. How long can we go without going to the store? Will it be 3 days (Mike) or at least another week (Deb) until the grass will be tall enough for the first mow of the season? We're inventing things […]
April 17
Day 34: Grace of the Master It's clear I have time on my hands. Among other things, I've started reading "Dynasty: The Rise and Fall of the House of Caesar." Julius Caesar had come out top dog after a provisional 3-person rule over what was becoming the Roman Empire. The other rulers had been killed […]
April 16
Day 33: Wisdom and Folly This week I'm reading Proverbs. Proverbs has a game plan. The first 9 chapters talk about wisdom. Then chapters 10 through 31 dole out the wisdom, some in big chunks, some bite sized. Proverbs 9:1-6 paints a picture of Wisdom personified as a lady (true at my house) preparing a […]
April 15
Day 32: From Knowing about to Knowing I pretty much already knew what my wife does at work. I knew she coaches and assists college students to get and keep jobs. I knew she also helps former military students secure the financial support for education their time in the service earned them. I've even gone […]