September 2020
September 12
Day 182: Sunny Day The sun is out. And for some reason, Deb and I woke this morning somewhat anxious. Okay, we know the reason. The same reason anyone else in town wakes up "anxious" on a sunny Saturday morning. Gotta go do something. Something fun! Aside from the accepted fact that Juneauites regard one […]
September 11
Day 181: Jumping Off the Alter Three of us met this early morning for men's prayer. Every other Friday or so, we gather to pray through a chosen portion of Scripture, using it as our template. Today's passage was the entirety of Romans 12, which is chock full of amazing, practical, and challenging stuff. (You […]
September 10
Day 180: Cannot Be My Disciple The latter verses in Luke 14 are potentially some of the most disturbing words anywhere in the New Testament. Concluding each of the statements come the words, "...Cannot be my disciple." Verse 26 talks about "hating." Jesus says, "If anyone comes to me and does not hate his own […]
September 9
Day 179: Dumb Stuff Some time ago, my wife asked me, "How do you come up with stuff to write about?" What I dole out is usually a result of what I've taken in. That very morning! Each morning, I read my Bible (currently in the four Gospels.) I follow a reading plan each year […]