October 2020
October 9
Day 209: John Mark Acts 13 has Barnabas and Saul/Paul being 'set apart' for the work to which they had been called. Missionary service. Without a script or organizational history to guide them, they had to make it up as they went. The Holy Spirit had selected them, sent them, and would go before and […]
October 8
Day 208: What We Otherwise Could Not Conjure Up Ourselves Acts 11 is the story of how Peter, after being accused of not acting like a good Jew, recounts to the church in Jerusalem what Jesus did for the centurion Cornelius and his household. Salvation had come to a Gentile household. The floodgates of gospel […]
October 7
Day 207: So We Don't Have To Acts 9 tells us of how Saul of Tarsus was blinded by the light of Jesus's presence around him. Blinded for 3 days. God calls a faithful old saint named Ananias to pray over Saul. In spite of Ananias's own, legitimate misgivings. And Saul regains his sight. Something […]
October 6
Day 206: Transitions It's my sense, in just the next few weeks, we're all entering into yet more transition. Some of it will be political, and some will be related to our own health. Now that we're thick into the flurry of state and national elections, our various candidates are attempting a new transition. At […]