January 2021
November 29
Day 260: When the Time Comes Ever have those moments when you can think of millions of things to pray for. And yet the clarity of thought nor the words are there? Me too. I can think of much to pray for. Many needs and many needy people in my life. Oddly enough, the ones […]
November 28
Day 259: Faithful Remnant It's windy outside. With lots of rain predicted over the next 24 hours. NOAA calls this weather pattern an "atmospheric river." Cute. Living in Southeast Alaska, we get the sense we live at the convergence of several rivers like that. For this seems to happen more often than not. We are […]
November 27
Day 258: Let There Be Light Way way back, when everything was without form and void, "darkness was over the face of the deep." (Genesis 1) So God's very first act of creation was to speak light into existence. He just gave the word, and the lights turned on. God liked what He had just […]
November 26
Day 257: Better Hope Not! I heard it said again yesterday: "It's just who I am." Translated to mean, I will continue to demand and expect the world to adapt to me. There are determinants that affect who we each become. The gene pool we are born to swim in certainly qualifies and qualifies as […]