January 2021
January 17
Day 309: In Spite of Cancellations Cancellations. Seems like this entire past week was defined by cancellations. Things to look forward to suddenly went "poof." I am a part of a cohort of veteran pastors. Some of us have been friends for more than a decade. We get together twice a year. This spring was […]
January 16
Day 308: Scapegoat Yom Kippur. The Day of Atonement. For contemporary Jews, this is the big day of the calendar year. A political holiday, celebrating an event that just so happened on that year's Yom Kippur. But the roots of the Day of Atonement go way way back to Leviticus 16. And their constant (thus […]
January 15
Day 307: Presence We more conservative Christians are comfortable with the idea of God's wrath against sin. At least more comfortable than our more liberal counterparts. Or so we think. Leviticus is full of requirements; things that will separate and make distinct the people of Israel from other peoples nearby. It's a long list. Very […]
January 14
Day 306: Uncleanliness Leviticus makes one work. Rules and reg's seem to go on and on. Yet, all those rules and reg's point to something. Today (chapters 11-13) deal with things that are unclean. Unclean food. Uncleanliness related to post-childbirth. Uncleanliness related to skin diseases. The unclean things are not rejected for being what they […]