January 2021
January 6
Day 298: So Troublesome Of the several things I read this morning, somehow they each ended up referencing Romans 8:28 in some fashion. This kind of thing unexpectedly happens to me from time to time. It goes like this: "And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for […]
January 5
Day 297: Dwell We think of the Book of Exodus as the story of a forty year camping trip in the desert, with some crazy stuff thrown in. And rightly so. So it seems strange that a good chunk toward the last of the book is devoted to the design and construction of the "Sanctuary." […]
January 4
Day 296: Refreshed Meaning and Purpose for Today And so it is. We all return to what we knew as normal. The holiday season has passed. Now, it's just winter. And darkness. And work. And darkness. Christmas and New Year's passed quietly at our house. We did get five days to be with our children […]
December 24
Day 285: Father's Blessings As I finished up reading Genesis today, chapters 46-50, it seems to end with a lot of blessing going on. A father blessing his sons. I guess back then, a father's blessings carried some weight. Almost like those blessings turned out to be self-fulfilling prophecies. It makes sense that any son […]