January 2021
December 19
Day 280: Permanent Limp The USPS just delivered a one-volume Bible commentary to our door. I ordered this weeks ago. Upon unboxing it, I immediately turned to their comments on the passage I had been reading before the doorbell rang. Genesis 32 is the story of Jacob returning to Canaan, with his now giant family […]
December 18
Day 279: Now That I Think About It We're in that time of year, in a very strange year. Way too much time spent on social media (this page included.) Have you noticed how just about everyone posting is trying to hit the proverbial home run? How just about everything posted (other than photos of […]
December 17
Day 278: Our Present Arms Race There are places in Genesis when it all seems pretty ridiculous. Chapters 29-30 fit that. In this case, it's all within one family. Jacob finds himself married to two women. Sisters. (What could possibly go wrong?) He had wanted the younger, but had to also take the older as […]
December 16
Day 277: Harder Than They Need to Be Sometimes, the usual things seem harder than they need to be. This year, in particular, has proven the point. Like most other church pastors, I too am now focusing on this coming weekend. And not a whole lot else. When a Sunday before Christmas comes more than […]