January 2021
December 15
Day 276: Backfilling Your Well A curious story appears in Genesis 26, involving the digging and then refilling desert wells. Abraham the father had dug (well, his people dug) wells. Later on, the men of Gerar filled all of those same wells up with dirt. This wasn't an issue over water rights.; Well, kind of. […]
December 14
Day 275: Strength to Strength "From strength to strength" is an old English way of saying, "keeps on getting stronger." It may apply to an athlete, or a business tycoon, or an ever-advancing politician. But it's not something we hear often. More likely, and impacting our own world view, we're more inclined to hear "From […]
December 13
Day 274: I Probably Should Work On That! I have a homework assignment, so I'm devoting this month to cramming as much subject content into my head as possible. I'm under a timeline, even if that timeline is self-imposed. I am currently reading five books, all on the subject of coaching. I have been, and […]
December 12
Day 273: As It Should Be It's about now when it starts. While some industries, retail in particular, are seeing their hours and workloads increase, others are grinding down to almost a halt. College students are entering finals week. And then they're done, at least for a while. Holiday office parties are earlier and earlier […]