November 11

Day 242 (and after waiting out a power outage): Facing Reality Head On Like any good coach, the apostle Paul would interact differently, depending on who he was interacting with. For young pastor Timothy in Ephesus, it was encouragement and gentle instruction. For young pastor Titus on the island of Crete, it was all about […]

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November 10

Day 241: Transmutation I tend to read books on leadership. Maybe a half dozen or so in a calendar year. Only because I want to be a better leader. Makes sense, I hope. I've recently been tasked with creating a coaching schematic (program) for a church-planting network our church is affiliated with. This feels like […]

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November 9

Day 240: Super Hard Verses I read Philippians today. Two verses, one describing the other, always stop me in my tracks. Like mistakenly backing up on to those pop up spikes after you've driven into the rental car return lot, and hearing your tires explode. Chapter 2, verses 3-4 "Do nothing from selfish ambition or […]

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November 8

Day 239: What a Heartful! Paul's letter to the Ephesians is for me like opening the same present again and again. Each time it seems as if the treasures in this book are fresh and new. Paul takes the first three chapters to talk about what we have in Jesus. The "why's." Then he devotes […]

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