October 1
Day 201: Feed My Sheep Reading in the Gospels of Jesus's interactions with people, it's easy to be astounded at what Jesus says, and what He does not say. In the four Gospel accounts, not counting duplicates, Jesus is asked 183 questions. He answers only 3 of them directly. But, Jesus Himself asks 307 questions. […]
September 30
Day 200 (!): Assumers I don't know who to credit for saying this, but here goes: "The first generation believes, the second generation assumes, the third generation ignores, and the fourth generation denies." I've mentioned this statement before. Because it sticks in my mind. It may be the Church of Jesus Christ (ours included) […]
September 29
Day 199: When Jesus Prayed For Us My annual Bible reading plan had me reading this morning in John's gospel, chapters 14 through 17. 17 being what is commonly referred to as "the High Priestly Prayer." If there is a major theme to what Jesus prayed within the hour before being betrayed, it is this: […]
September 28
Day 198: Far Far Far It's strange to be back to Monday usual, after a perfect time away with family in California. After getting home late on Saturday, I was able to somehow function on Sunday morning. (Without overtly hallucinating.) For this trip everything I hoped and prayed for turned out just like I hoped […]