September 8
Day 178: Tree of Knowledge It takes some effort to remember a day when information was more difficult to acquire. I more easily remember when TV went color. What follows will make me out to be the dinosaur I must now be. Back in (prehistoric) times past, and when tasked with writing a paper for […]
September 7
Day 177: More Time A day off from work is an anomaly. By definition, "Something that deviates from the normal or expected." Labor Day is just that. Labor Day has something to do with worker unions. Union members go to picnics or some other such event. I've never been a union member (that I am […]
September 6
Day 176: Comprehensive Integrity (This new forced Facebook layout is making my formatting a little more challenging. Please forgive me.) Yesterday, Deb and I went on a little hike out the road. We then stopped by the marina for our annual meal at Hot Bite. It was good. But I grossly violated our usual (Keto) […]
September 5
Day 175: Makes Us Wince Matthew 18 represents for many of us a Scriptural neighborhood. We tend to recall one primary address in this neighborhood. We're quick to remember this memorable address as the "rules for confrontation chapter." And so it is. Jesus gives clear instruction and process respective to how to confront someone else […]