August 21
Day 160: Autopsy of a Dead and Dying Church As I've mentioned in posts past, something between 8,000 and 12,000 churches in North America will close their doors for good this year. Staggering thought, really. Certainly, some of those closures will be attributed to financial constraints related to Covid, and rightly so. Other closures (like […]
August 19
Day 158: Sojourners and Foreigners After a week's break to be with family in California (thank you for indulging me!) I find myself now back in rain country. Leaving temps in the 100's and returning home to the land summer forgot is a transition indeed. Each time I find myself in California I feel myself […]
August 11
Day 150: See You Again This blog posting thing has occupied an hour of my mornings for now the past 150 days. Weekdays and weekends both. Usually only possible after two cups of coffee. Honestly, I thought it would be a nothing more than a short-lived, stop gap effort to connect with our church. Of […]