May 17
Day 64: Especially in the Mundane I find myself this early morning contemplating the most basic things in life that cause me to be dependent on the Lord. Breathing certainly comes to mind. So does waking up again in the morning. Ironically, I also tend to take these for granted. I can easily get caught […]
May 16
Day 63: A Good Saturday Saturday, once again. The day each week when Deb and I try to unplug from normal life. Sometimes, we're even successful. We call it our "Sabbath." Or "Go Brain Dead Day." Today, we're going to dump out all of the dirt from our backyard flower pots, put it all in […]
May 14
Day 61: The Power of Prayer I was reminded yesterday of a conversation several years ago. The Legislature was back in Juneau, and the city always does a "Welcome Back" event. I attended. That one time. The Legislators all played nice with the public, of course. I suppose those who couldn't stayed in their hotel […]
May 13
Day 60: Faithfulness Isn't it funny how we can feel radically different from one day to the next? Some days, it's "Everything is awesome," while other days we've flatlined. Kind of like my daily Bible reading. Some days I respond with a "Wow! This is incredible!" and maybe just a day later it's more like, […]