November 23
Day 254: Going Forward I've been on the phone this morning, from the moment I first got up. All of these calls were helpful and encouraging. I have a couple of Alaska-wide or network-wide homework assignments, and I've been gathering research in the form of intellectual capital (and some helpful PDF's) from others shared with […]
November 22
Day 253: Hot or Cold Ever wonder about how we might prioritize our time with what remains of this weekend...if we knew the Lord Jesus was bringing the new heavens down with Him. On Monday? I sense I'd have a very different sense of priorities. I likely wouldn't spend any time at all polishing up […]
November 21
Day 252: Guarding the Front Door As I read through the Bible each year, some days on the schedule are longer reads than others. This morning was a much shorter stretch: 2 & 3 John. It's not like we quote from these two short letters often. One is written to a person. The other is […]
November 20
Day 251: Marasmus I went to Fairbanks this week, to spend quality time with fellow Radiant pastors there. I realized it was successful, as on Tuesday we went caribou hunting, at one point realized bullets were flying over my head from other hunters who could not see me, and I'm still alive. It was also […]