August 10
Day 149: Loony Bin I preached a sermon yesterday on the Church. Entitled, "We Believe God Sends." While there have certainly been times when I would have finished the sentence, "God Sends...me to the loony bin," I remain optimistic for the Church in this age. But, my optimism is not in the absence of reality, […]
August 9
Day 148: Final Reforms The Jerusalem rebuilding project was completed, and Nehemiah returned to his overlord in Persia. After some time, he was permitted to return to Jerusalem. What he found disappointed him. The walls were rebuilt, but the people had reverted to living broken lives. Chapter 13 is thus correctly entitled, "Final Reforms." The […]
August 8
Day 147: Revivals That Stick In Nehemiah's time, rebuilding the city's protective wall did not result in a rebuilding of the people's relationship with God. For that, different materials were required. In chapter 8, under Nehemiah's direction, they went and found the Book of the Law of Moses. (The first five books of the Old […]
August 7
Day 146: A Year From Now I grew up under the southern California sun. Ironically, I've spent most of my adult life living in rain country (Portland, Seattle, here.) I cannot remember a wetter summer than the one we are currently enduring. If I could change it, I would've already checked that off my to-do […]